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Let's Talk About Sex

Conducted in the month of April, 2017, FOCUS Media Arts Centre and Planned Parent Hood Toronto worked with youth from the  GTA to create 4 radio shows about sexual health.

"Let's Talk About Sex" Radio Podcasts

Title Description Duration Download
Sexual Health Education On tonight's show we talk about sexual health education in Canada.   Play
Body Image and STIs For the first half of tonight's show, we talk about body image. The other half of the show, we interview Dennis, the coordinator of health services peer education at Planned Parent Hood Toronto.   Play
Pregnancy Options, Before and After On tonight's show we have a few role-playing drama scenarios of pregnancies. Afterwards we interview a worker from the Jessie's Centre as well as two young parents from the program to talk about their experience through the Jessie's Centre program.
Healthier Relationships and Sexual Pleasure On tonight's show we talk about sex positivity and healthy relatoinships.   Play


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585 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5A 2B7 | info@focusmediaarts.ca
FOCUS Media Arts Centre | Regent Park Focus | Regent Park TV | Radio Regent

Regent Park Focus © 2022
A program of FOCUS Media Arts Centre

Focus Media Arts Centre