Focus Media Arts Centre
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Tobacco Talk

Tobacco Talk is an innovative media campaign to cultivate youth civic engagement and technical skill development by taking aim at tobacco legislation facts and myths as related to tenant rights and second-hand smoke dangers, as well as information on shisha and related by-laws. To support the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals, the Youth Talk Team, in partnership with FOCUS Media Arts Centre, created three television studio broadcast shows (accessible on RPTV) and two digital radio pieces (aired on Radio Regent). For these resources, representatives from Toronto Public Health and the Youth Health Action Network were interviewed and explained the importance of their work.

Youth Health Action Network

Vina interviews Fatima from Youth Health Action Network.

Interview with Melissa Simone from Toronto Public Health

Vina interviews Melissa Simone from Toronto Public Health.

Claire Harvey from Toronto Public Health

In this episode, RPTV host Vina Vo interviews Claire Harvey from Toronto Public Health, and they discuss how to protect yourself from second-hand smoke.

Radio Streeters

Title Description Duration Download
Interviews on the Streets of Toronto Vina takes to the streets of Toronto to interview citizens about tobacco use and shisha. 6.59min Play

Public Service Announcements

Title Description Duration Download
Scary Tobacco Facts A PSA about scary tobacco facts by Sharmalae. 50sec Play


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585 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5A 2B7 | info@focusmediaarts.ca
FOCUS Media Arts Centre | Regent Park Focus | Regent Park TV | Radio Regent

Regent Park Focus © 2022
A program of FOCUS Media Arts Centre

Focus Media Arts Centre